Abandoned house somewhere in Belgium. It’s not always easy to find abandoned places and it require some part of luck, but sometimes you get lucky as it was the case for me when I found this old forgotten house.
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Abandoned house somewhere in Belgium. It’s not always easy to find abandoned places and it require some part of luck, but sometimes you get lucky as it was the case for me when I found this old forgotten house.
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Abandoned blockhaus somewhere in France. Between the two world wars, France built a gigantic defensive structure called the “Ligne Maginot“. It was composed of a lot of bunkers and forts and was supposed to protect France of another German invasion. Unfortunately for them, History proved them to be wrong…
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Famous ghost town in Belgium. Stuck between the big harbour of Antwerp and a seriously aging nuclear powerplant, the small town of Doel is slowly dying due to the project of future enlargment of the harbour infrastructures. There are only a few inhabitants left and the town is now the playground of street artists.
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Abandoned house somewhere in Belgium. I found this house by pure luck, while driving to another location. My daughters were on the rear seats when the older one told me “Look, an abandoned house !”. I stopped, and quickly looked through the windows of the house to see if it was worth it. A few days later, I was back there…
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Abandoned train station somewhere in Belgium. I didn’t had the opportunity to explore the old station in itself, as it is now used by a local association, but a little bit further on the old tracks there are still some decaying locomotives and wagons…
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Abandoned coal mine somewhere in Belgium. Well, it was a really small coal mine, and there’s only a building left. It seems that someone is using this place to store old decayed cars and trucks…
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Abandoned castle somewhere in Belgium. This is a very old castle with a very long history that has seen many changes, and it’s not the first time it’s been left abandoned.
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I’m glad to announce my next upcoming exhibition ! I’ve been selected with 19 other artists to participate to the art biennial Baron Pierre Paulus in Châtelet in Belgium. The exhibition will run from the 18th to the 25th of october.
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Abandoned water mill somewhere in Belgium. A friend of mine told me about this old water mill and wanted to show it to me. A proposition which I gladly accepted !
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Abandoned train repair shop somewhere in Belgium. I had this place on my todo list for some time already, but I always had another place to go explore. I’ve finally decided to go there and take a look at it, or more exactly, it was on my way home that day…
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