Abandoned science laboratories somewhere in Belgium. Located far from the noises of the big towns, these laboratories were once the property of an university. Now it seems they’ve become the property of decay and oblivion…

Urban exploration of schools and other educational places.
Abandoned science laboratories somewhere in Belgium. Located far from the noises of the big towns, these laboratories were once the property of an university. Now it seems they’ve become the property of decay and oblivion…
Abandoned school somewhere in Belgium. He who opens a school door, closes a prison said Victor Hugo, and we can easily guess what this quote would be if inverted. The students have left but nature takes its course in the empty classrooms of this decaying school…
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Abandoned astronomical observatory somewhere in Belgium. I had high expectations when I came to visit this place. I knew the telescopes were still there, and that made the exploration very exciting, I couldn’t wait to see them !
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Abandoned university in Belgium. This famous university has been built in modernist style during the years 1930 and 1965. It’s been completely abandoned since 2006, the reason of it is that the university moved its quarters to another place. Some parts of the site have already been renovated, but the full renovation should start in 2015.
Abandoned veterinary school somewhere in Belgium. This school is also known as “Horror labs” by the urbex community. The community gave it this name due to the formol jars containing animal parts in the basement. I explored this one with some fellow english urbexer that I met for the first time there. It wasn’t an easy one to enter, but it’s been even more difficult to get out of it ! Hopefully, I’m here to show my pictures…
Abandoned school somewhere in Belgium. This school must have been abandoned for a few years only, if not for a few months, because it is still visible occupied in street view on google maps. Except for the great number of graffitis covering its walls, it is still in a quite good state, and was a very interesting explore with a sport hall, and also a theatre with a stage.