Abandoned factory somewhere in Belgium. This factory was found by pure luck, I hadn’t planned to visit it neither did I knew anything about it before founding it. A lucky day I guess…
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Abandoned factory somewhere in Belgium. This factory was found by pure luck, I hadn’t planned to visit it neither did I knew anything about it before founding it. A lucky day I guess…
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Abandoned electric station somewhere in Belgium. A very nice exploration in a lovely small industrial building with some beautiful old machines, just as I like them…
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Abandoned chemical workshop somewhere in Belgium. Now that was a toxic exploration ! It was still stinking chemical products in this place…
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I’m going to have some exhibitions in the coming months, here are the ones that will take place in april and may. There’s an artists walk and a collective exhibition of a project made with two other artists.
Abandoned brick factory somewhere in Belgium. This was just a small exploration inside a brick factory which, just like a lot of other belgian industrial places, has closed its doors once and for all…
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Abandoned cement tile-making workshop somewhere in Belgium. A very small place, that didn’t look very attractive from the outside but that hid some nice little treasures…
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Abandoned paper factory somewhere in Belgium. Much of this factory‘s buildings have been demolished, but the administration building and some other buildings along with the watertower are still there, though they hardly testify now the size that this factory had once in the past…
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Abandoned church somewhere in the Netherlands. It seems to be the crisis for everyone, even for God. Here’s another of his houses left to decay, He left and shut the doors, but someone managed to open a way to the inside of the church…
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Abandoned factory somewhere in Belgium. Industrial areas often hides beautiful old factories left to decay. That’s just the price to pay for the old western industries in a globalized world…
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Abandoned crypt somewhere in Belgium. This crypt is located in an big old graveyard and it seems to have been abandoned for safety reasons as one can guess by looking at the warning signs in front of the entrance of the crypt…